We’ll help you get verified on Google My Business without need of any physical address or phone number.
If you don’t have a website then we will create one for you but that will cost you extra amount of money which is non-refundable.
You need to have business social profiles on all major platforms but if you don’t have them then we will build those for you.
You don’t need to have a phone number but if you want to use your number you can provide that as well.
Please know that in order to process this order we will have to make several changes on your website. And we may need to add some more pages on your website as well.
Please note that so far the success ratio of these GMB verification is 100% but still there may be rejection in that case we will refund your money related to GMB verification but you will not be entitled for a refund if we build your website and social profiles (we will cut that cost of website development and will refund the remaining to your account balance) which means you will only be entitled to get a refund of $450 which is the cost of GMB Verification service.
Total estimated turnout time is 20 to 30 days.
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